Thursday, March 10, 2011

Like playing tennis with a hole in the racket...

I walked out of my house today just feeling like I have sooooo many things to do. Not so MUCH to do, but so MANY things to do....lots of little crappy chore-like things. Maybe it's the Spring fever (although I am not looking forward to hot weather at all), but I just want a magic wand. Actually, I just want the ENERGY to do the organizing and cleaning- b/c I enjoy it when I'm in my OCD zone.
I also started running..some..and then got tendonitus in my dang knee. I'm looking forward to being able to get back to it. I liked it. And I'm fat. So..

I just finshed the yearbook for my school. Like, submitted it today. shweeww- one major project down!

I am the "poster child" for my school's Jump Rope For Heart this year. It's cool. the AHA decided to get personal and have kids jump for a person to help them and their families understand the cause and hopefully bring in more donations. I hope we are able to do well this year as we have done in the past.

Oh- I finally painted my bedroom (after a long process of de-wallpapering, fixing the wall, getting cabinets put in, etc) It's now a yummy gray and I'm ready to shop for a king bed and new furniture and decorate. Ha!! We'll see about all that.

That's about it..

just wanted to update from last Flu post.