Monday, January 11, 2010

And so it begins...

1. Classes at USC. uh, make that singular- Class at USC for a half-finished certification..should be helpful!

2. Our school district "Shrinkdown" competition. I'm in the group called "Special K"--get it? Kindergarten (K) and it's a diet-ish food brand. I thought it was clever!

3.Living with/raising a 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son. What a combo!!!!! they are the epotomy of the "love/hate" relationship, but I am quite enjoying mothering the upper end of toddlerhood.

No big news to share. Hence the piecey posts of late.
I'm just soul-searching and praying that God helps me discern some options, or non-options.
Oh and I go to the cardio tomorrow morning for a routine check up. I had my heart MRI in july and haven't heard any news from it, so I'm a bit nervous. not in my typical panicky way, but in the uneasy, I'm pretty sure a topic of interest will be "Valve Replacement Surgery" and that scares me.
K- that's it :0)