Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just an update

Well Hellllooooo Strangers!
I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but I have been busy, (or lazy)...
I started my EC class at USC and I like it, so far. It's gonna be hard, though. I did finally get some news from the State Dept of Education about my Early Childhood certification and it seems like I'll be ok with this one course + my experience teaching 2nd and K. If this sticks I will be able to teach K next year!!! While all this was up in the air, I explored the idea of staying home, and I even applied to be the Children's Director at my church. I didn't get the job, but that's ok. I'm excited to stay in the same grade level again. I'm ready to settle down and maybe get GOOD at teaching!!! For years I thrive on change...challenge keeps me going, I guess. But ...I'm tired. God really comes through. I've been praying for a solution and peace about my career and this is just what I needed to chill out and prepare for the future.
I got a good report from my cardiologist and he's not ready to crack open my chest, but I do need to lose weight and see how my that helps my symptoms. I never thought I'd be in this position to have to lose weight, but I suppose age and child birthing has made me lose the eat what i want and not gain. That sucks!!! But oh well!
Gaines and I had the tsomach bug this month and I'm hoping Greg and Gralynn steer clear of getting it b/c it knocked me out.
Today the family went to the Zoo in the cold b/c Gaines is obsessed with animals and has been wanting to go. Riverbanks has kind of gone down hill. We were a bit disappointed, but joined anyway so we could go when we want--it's good to get out of teh house and do things as a family.
Next weekend I'm heading to the beach with K team and I am sooooo excited to get away :0) The following weekend my best friends are getting together and we are hoping to start an annual get together. We;ve wanted to do this for years but never seemed to be able to make it happen. I am so ready to spend time with them and reconnect!