Thursday, June 24, 2010

Y''s been , like what...FOREVER since my last post??? I mean, that's only b/c I truly have not much to say, but I'm even tired of looking at the easter stuff so..
Here's my happenings:
1) It's summer. I'm not a fan of summer. I'd actually prefer to have like 5 weeks off to chill, beach; projects around the house; then go back to work with a big ole break mid year.
2) I think Gralynn is going to do gymnastics next year instead of dance. I really want her in acting classes, but don't want to start that toooooo early. We are already at the point of butting heads due to diva-tude; but then she show remorse, so I haven't completely lost her. It's a bunch of teachable moments around the Roberts household!
3) Gaines is a love. He's kind of bad; but a love nevertheless. I seriously tracks hink everyone should have a boy, whether biologically or a close-to-the family kid. He cracks me up all the time, but I have to find the balance of disciplining him and loving him.....ha!
4) We went Charleston to stay with Kels and fam and it was really nice. We did a beach day, which turned out to be a blast and then topped it off with some hundred impossible photo shoots! I love that our kids are tight.
5) I'm obsessed with making school stuff and have become really involved with my school. i don't know why~ I love Oak Pointe, but have never really been a "leader" but I'm slowly finding my way.
6) I'm a little bummed b/c I did NOT lose the 30 lbs I was supposed to by July 6th, but I'll just get fussed at by my cardiologist and enjoy my peanut butter mms.
7) I'm trying to explore God's word more b/c I am a history gal, but have a hard time staying consistent. My friend Keisa has offered to be my "life coach" for a while so we'll see what comes of growing and reflecting....maybe it'll make me actively become a better person!
8) We have a mouse--or mice inhabiting the kitchen cabinet, so I just finished OCDly bleaching EVERYTHING!!! Yuk! Trying not to get too frustrated about this house which is slowly becoming the Money Pit. I love my little old house, though and do not want to live in a cookie cutter, nor do I want to even think about trying to move, but sometimes it gets the best of me.
Other than that boring little update, nothing much is going on...