Thursday, August 26, 2010

I should really update this thing way more consistently, but it hadn't worked so far! We started school last week and I stay pooped. Gralynn, on the other hand, is pumped. She LOVES it! Our school started a school-wide Positive behavior program thingy and we hand out "Barrel Bucks" when kids are being "PALS". (Pal, the pony is our mascot). She gets like 3 a day and gets so excited! I hear from teachers all over the school that she is always being perfect. Funny thing...that gralynn..b/c when school is out-she shows me a whole new girl! I think 5 is the foreshadow of 16! Dude..not sure how to handle that :0)
Gaines loves his new school too. He gets his Happy Grams everday, too! The teachers told me yesterday that whenever they have to fuss at him he starts to rub their backs and tell them they are beautiful! great---smooth kid on my hands.
Anyhoo--I stay busy. I forget what the first month of Kindergarten is like. It is HARD work. no down time. But I am doing a good job sticking to my guns this year! i'm determined to train these kiddos to be respectful and kind!!!!!!!!
Our favorite time is dancing the Robot Dance. It is totally HILARIOUS to see these little munchins dancing like Robots---like the dancers who do that as part of their "gig". Most of my kids this year really have soul and rhythm too!
Good Times thus far :0)
That's all that's happening with me....sad, I know!


Unknown said...

Lindas fotos.
Beaultifull pictures.