Saturday, October 16, 2010

well, well, well

And yes, Rossie..if you're reading this I say that with my lips poked out!!
Lately I have fallen more in love my birthed children and my K class. I thought it would be really hard to be around 5 year olds allllllll day and then come home to my two (which is does get to me sometimes, truth be told)but overall, I have never laughed sooo much in the last couple of months. I truly ENJOY my job, which is a HUGE blessing. It's the little personalities my kids have this year that keep me cracking up all day long. For example, we went to the Farm the other day for a field trip and I overheard one of my most prissiest little girls sitting with one of my black boys say " YO YO YO, there go da punkins"..he was seriously teaching her how to talk like a sista! They are just the loviest and funniest bunch of kids. I get to home to my two who are friggin hilarious together. I don't know what's going on lately, but I love it. I feel so blessed to have a silly family. Kids who get my sarcasm and give it right back. Kids (and a hub) who dance like insane, sing the "cool" songs, and talk about real stuff. It may be the nostagia of the season, or the reflection on my blessings, but it;s the little things that make me smile and I just had to write about it.

Nothing super special..just good things goin on!!!


robin said...

Gurl, you betta poke dem lips out when you say dat!

So glad you like your job & are entertained at the same time! I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your classroom. And at home with all that crazy dancin going on!

Lauren said...

Ahhhh...reflection. Amazing how God works our moments of stillness and in our moments of shear silly bliss! Love reading your blog!