Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Have I said this already..? I LOVE FALL. The weather is starting to be just right. Greg teases me b/c even on 40 degree nights I have windows open and fan on. What can I say, I just love the cool air.
I especially enjoyed touring around my hood in the b ack of Greg's truck with the kids on Halloween. They had such a blast as Batman and Batgirl. As they were running up to ine house, a lady in a different truck commented on how cute it was that they were coordinated. She said her two never would do that and now in their preteens, that ship has sailed! It got me to thinking that the time is fast approaching when these two loves of my life may not be so tight. Which saddens me, not only about matching outfits ( i mean i would be obsessive if I had two girls), but about how they play and genuinely love to be with each other. It's really super cute and loving.
For example--every time I take one shopping the other inevitably picks something out for the other. And tonight, Gaines opened his Starburst candy and immediately handed the pink one to Gralynn. They play and cuddle and take care of one another. I can only hope and pray that they will stay this close!!


JLTan said...

40 deg in fall? Back home, we would call this "summer".